Laboratorio de Ecología Vegetal
Publicaciones (Dr. Marco A. Molina-Montenegro)
80. Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Hansenn H, Gallardo-Cerda J, Molina-Montenegro MA (2019) Antarctic extremophiles: biotechnological alternative to crop productivity in saline soils. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (in press).
79. Dreyer I, Spitz O, Kanonenberg K, Montag K, Handrich M, Ahmad S, Schott-Verdugo S, Navarro-Retamal C, Rubio-Meléndez ME, Gómez-Porras JL, Riedelsberger J, Molina-Montenegro MA, Succurro A, Zuccaro A, Gould SB, Bauer P, Schmitt L, Gohlke H (2019) Nutrient exchange in Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis from a thermodynamic point of view. New Phytologist (in press; doi: 10.1111/nph.15646).
78. Fernández-Gómez B, Díez B, Polz M, Arroyo JI, Alfaro FD, Marchandon G, Sanhueza C, Farías L, Trefault N, Marquet PA, Molina-Montenegro MA, Sylvander P, Snoeijs-Leijonmalm P (2019) Bacterial community structure in a sympagic habitat expanding with global warming: brackish ice brine at 85-90ºN. ISME Journal 13: 316-333.
77. Martin-Fores I, Casado MA, Castro I, Del Pozo A, Molina-Montenegro MA, de Miguel JM, Acosta-Gallo B (2018) Variation in phenological and fitness-related traits can help to explain the plant invasion process among Mediterranean ecosystems. Neobiota 41: 67-89.
76. Gundel PE, Seal C, Biganzoli F, Molina-Montenegro MA, Vazquez-de-Aldana B, Zabalgogeazcoa I, Bush LP, Martinez-Ghersa MA, Ghersa C (2018) Occurrence of alkaloids in grass seeds symbiotic with vertically-transmitted Epichloë fungal endophytes and its relationship with antioxidants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 211.
75. Gallardo-Cerda J, Levihuan J, Lavín P, Oses R, Atala C, Torres-Díaz C, Cuba-Díaz M, Barrera A, Molina-Montenegro MA (2018) Antarctic rhizobacteria improve salt tolerance and physiological performance of the antarctic vascular plants. Polar Biology 41: 1973-1982.
74. Karp DS, and other 115 authors including Molina-Montenegro MA (2018). Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition. PNAS 115: E7863-E7870.
73. Ramos P, Rivas N, Pollmann S, Casati P, Molina-Montenegro MA (2018). Hormonal and physiological changes driven by fungal endophytes increase antarctic plant performance under UV-B radiation. Fungal Ecology 34: 76-82.
72. Figueroa CC, Fuentes-Contreras E, Molina-Montenegro MA, Ramírez C (2018) Biological and genetic features of introduced aphids populations in agroecosystems. Current Opinion in Insect Science 26: 63-68.
71. Molina-Montenegro MA, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Flores TSM, Hereme R, Lafón A, Atala C, Torres-Díaz C. (2018) Is the Success of Plant Invasions the Result of Rapid Adaptive Evolution in Seed Traits? Evidence from a Latitudinal Rainfall Gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 208.
70. Molina-Montenegro MA, del Pozo A, Gianoli E (2017) Ecophysiological basis of the Jack-and-Master strategy: Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) as an example of a successful invader. Journal of Plant Ecology 11:147-157.
69. Arzabe A, Aguirre LF, Baldelomar M, Molina-Montenegro MA (2017) Assessing the geographical dichotomy hypothesis with cacti in South-America. Plant Biology 20: 399-402.
68. *Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Hereme R, Tottes-Díaz C, Molina-Montenegro MA. (2017) Asymmetric responses to simulated global warming by populations of Colobanthus quitensis along a latitudinal gradient. Peer-J 5: e3718.
67. Atala C, Muñoz-Tapia L, Pereira G, Romero C, Vargas R, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Molina-Montenegro MA, Brito E. (2017) The effect of future climate change on the conservation of Chloraea disoides Lindl. (Orchidaceae) in Chile. Brazilian Journal of Botany 40: 353-360.
66. Gianoli E, Ruiz E, Torres-Díaz C, Salgado-Luarte C, Molina-Montenegro MA, Saldaña A (2016) Woody climbers show greater population genetic differentiation than trees: insights into the link between ecological traits and diversification. Evolution 70: 2736-2745.
65. Torres-Díaz C, Oses R, Gallardo-Cerda J, Lavín P, Atala C, Molina-Montenegro MA (2016) Biological interactions and simulated climate change modulates the ecophysiological performance of Colobanthus quitensis in the Antarctic ecosystem. PLoS ONE 11: e0164844.
64. Lavín P, Atala C, Gallardo-Cerda J, González-Aravena M, De la Iglesia R, Oses R, Torres-Díaz C, Molina-Montenegro MA, Laughinghouse IV HD. (2016) Isolation and characterization of an Antarctic Flavobacterium strain with agarase and alginate lyase activities. Polish Polar Research 37: 403-419.
63. Molina-Montenegro MA, Oses R, Atala C, Torres-Díaz C, Zurita A, Ruiz-Lara S. (2016) Antarctic root-endophytes improve the ecophysiological performance and production of fresh biomass in lettuce plants under drought condition. AoB Plants 8: plw062.
62. Rámila CdP, Contreras SA, Di Domenico C, Molina-Montenegro MA, Vega A, Handford M, Bonilla CA, Pizarro GE. (2016) Boron stress response and accumulation potential of the extremely tolerant species Puccinellia frigida. Journal of Hazardous Materials 317: 476-484.
61. Molina-Montenegro MA, Oses R, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Fardella C, Badano EI, Torres-Morales P, Gallardo-Cerda J, Torres-Díaz C (2016) Positive interactions by cushion plants in high mountains: fact or artifact? Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 117-123.
60. Molina-Montenegro MA, Galleguillos C, Oses R, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Torres-Díaz C, Lavín P, Gallardo-Cerda J, Diez B, Pizarro GE, Atala C (2016) Adaptive phenotypic plasticity and competitive ability deployed under a climate change scenario may promote the invasion of Poa annua in Antarctica. Biological Invasions 18: 603-618.
59. Molina-Montenegro MA, Oses R, Atala C, Torres-Díaz C, Bolados G, León-Lobos P (2016) Nurse effect and soil microorganisms are key to improve the establishment of native plants in a semiarid community. Journal of Arid Environments126: 54-61.
58. Gallardo-Cerda J, Bravo LA, Atala C, Corcuera LJ, Molina-Montenegro MA (2016) Dehydrins presence in xylem parenchyma cells enhances hydraulic conductivity and physiological performance in Nothofagus dombeyi. South African Journal of Botany 102: 240-244.
57. Chwedorzewska KJ, Gielwanoswka I, Olech M, Molina-Montenegro MA, Wódkiewicz M, & Galera H (2015) Poa annua L. in the Maritime Antarctic: an overview. Polar Record 51: 637-643.
56. Molina-Montenegro MA, Pertierra LR, Razeto-Barry P, Finot V, Torres-Díaz CA (2015) Recolonization record of the invasive Poa annua in Paradise bay, Antarctic Peninsula: Modelling of the potential spreading risk. Polar Biology 38: 1091-1096.
55. Molina-Montenegro MA, Torres-Díaz C, Atala C, Oses R, Núñez M, Armas C (2015) Fungal endophytes associated with roots of nurse cushion species have positive effects on native and invasive beneficiary plants in an alpine ecosystem. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 218-226.
54. Hughes K, Pertierra LR, Molina-Montenegro MA, Convey P (2015) Biological invasions in terrestrial Antarctica: what is the current status and can we respond? Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 1031-1055.
53. Atala C, Quilodrán M & Molina-Montenegro MA. (2014) Induced twining in Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth.: response threshold and induction by volatiles and snail damage. Gayana Botánica 71: 181-187.
52. Fardella C, Oses R, Torres-Díaz C & Molina-Montenegro MA (2014) Hongos endófitos antárticos como herramienta para la reintroducción de especies nativas en zonas áridas. Bosque 35: 235-239.
51. Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Gianoli E, Ríos R, Salgado-Luarte C, Stotz G, Carrasco-Urra F & Molina-Montenegro MA (2014) Antarctic ecology one century after the conquest of the South Pole: how much have we advanced? BioScience 64: 593-600.
50. Molina-Montenegro MA, Carrasco-Urra F, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Oses R, Torres-Díaz C & Chwedorzewska KJ (2014). Assessing the importance of human activities for the establishment of the invasive Poa annua in the Antarctica. Polar Research 33: 21425.
49. Ruiz-Carrasco K, Biondi S, Antognoti F, Jacobsen S, Oses R, Acuña-Rodríguez I, Martínez EA, Zurita-Silva A, Bazile D, Pinto M, Canahua A & Molina-Montenegro MA (2014). Quinoa biodiversity and sustainability for food security under climate change. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34: 349-359.
48. Acuña-Rodríguez I, Oses R, Torres-Díaz C, Molina-Montenegro MA (2014). Genetic diversity of Colobanthus quitensis across the Drake Passage. Plant Genetic Resource 12: 47-50.
47. Molina-Montenegro MA, Torres-Díaz C, Gianoli E (2014). Antarctic macrolichen modifies microclimate and facilitates vascular plants in the maritime Antarctica – a reply to Casanova-Katny et al. (2014). Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 606-608.
46. Molina-Montenegro MA, Torre-Díaz C, Gallardo-Cerda J, Leppe M, Gianoli E (2013). El Niño drives the effects of seabirds in trees on a southern Pacific island. Ecology 94: 2415-2425.
45. Molina-Montenegro MA, Salgado-Luarte C, Oses R & Torres-Díaz C (2013). Is physiological performance a good predictor for fitness? Insights from an invasive plant species. PLoS ONE 8: e76432.
44. Stotz GC, Salgado-Luarte C, Ríos R, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, Carrasco-Urra F, Molina-Montenegro MA & Gianoli E (2013). Trends in Antarctic ecological research in Latin America shown by publications in international journals. Polar Research 32: 19993.
43. Molina-Montenegro MA, Palma-Rojas C, Alcayaga-Olivares Y, Oses R, Corcuera LJ & Cavieres LA (2013). Ecophysiological plasticity and local differentiation help explain the invasion success of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in South America. Ecography 36: 718-730.
42. Molina-Montenegro MA, Ricote-Martínez N, Muñoz-Ramírez C, Torres-Díaz C, Gómez-González S, Gianoli E (2013). Positive interactions between the lichen Usnea antarctica (Parmeliaceae) and the native flora in Maritime Antarctica. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 463-472.
41. Torres-Díaz C, Ruiz E, Salgado-Luarte C, Molina-Montenegro MA & Gianoli E (2013). Within-population genetic diversity of climbing plants and trees in a temperate forest of central Chile. Gayana Botánica 70: 31-38.
40. Molina-Montenegro MA & Corcuera LJ (2012). The conquest of the South Pole: Importance and lessons for the present. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 85: 365-367.
39. Navarrete-Gallegos A, Bravo LA, Molina-Montenegro MA, Corcuera LJ (2012). Antioxidant responses in two Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) ecotypes exposed to high UV-B radiation and low temperatura. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 85: 419-433.
38. Molina-Montenegro MA & Naya D (2012). Latitudinal patterns in phenotypic plasticity and fitness-related traits: Assessing the climatic variability hypothesis (CVH) with an invasive plant species. PLoS ONE 7: e47620.
37. Montecinos S, Salinas P, Oses R, González-Silvestre L. & Molina-Montenegro MA (2012). Linking climatic variability with spatial performance in two varieties of Quinoa distributed in a semi-arid zone. American Journal of Plant Sciences 3: 1682-1687.
36. Molina-Montenegro MA, Carrasco-Urra F, Rodrigo C, Convey P, Valladares F & Gianoli E (2012). First records of the non-native Poa annua (bluegrass) on the Antarctic mainland, and negative effects on native Antarctic plants. Conservation Biology 26: 717-723.
35. Molina-Montenegro MA, Torres-Díaz C, Carrasco-Urra F, González-Silvestre L. & Gianoli E (2012). Plasticidad fenotípica en dos poblaciones antárticas de Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) bajo un escenario simulado de cambio global. Gayana Botánica 69: 87-94.
34. Molina-Montenegro MA, Cleland E, Watts S & Broitman B (2012). Can a breakdown in competition-colonization trade-offs help explain the success of exotic species in the California flora? Oikos 121: 389-395.
33. Molina-Montenegro MA, Peñuelas J, Munné-Bosch S & Sardans J (2012). Higher plasticity in ecophysiological traits enhances the performance and invasion success of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in alpine environments. Biological Invasions 14: 21-33.
32. Atala C, Muñoz-Capponi E, Pereira G, Navarrete E, Oses R & Molina-Montenegro MA (2012). Impact of mycorrhizae and irrigation in the survival of seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don subject to drought. Gayana Botánica 69: 296-304.
31. Molina-Montenegro MA, Flores T, Gallardo J & Atala C (2012). The trade-off between cold resistance and growth determines the Nothofagus pumilio treeline. Plant Ecology 213: 133-142.
30. Ruiz-Carrasco K, Antognoni F, Konotie-Coulibaly A, Lizardi S, Covarrubias A, Martínez EA, Molina-Montenegro MA, Biondi S & Zurita-Silva A (2011). Variation in salinity tolerance of four lowland varieties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as assessed by growth, physiological traits, and sodium transporter gene expression. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 1333-1341.
29. Arredondo-Núñez AX, Salgado O & Molina-Montenegro MA (2011). Sphericity and smaller pollen-size are better represented in introduced rather than native plant species. Gayana Botánica 68: 330-332.
28. Molina-Montenegro MA, Quiroz C, Torres-Diaz C & Atala C (2011). Functional differences in response to drought in the invasive Taraxacum officinale from native and introduced alpine habitat ranges. Plant Ecology & Diversity 4: 36-42.
27. Molina-Montenegro MA, Zurita-Silva A & Oses R (2011). Effects of water supply on physiological and yield production in Lettuce culture (Lactuca sativa L.). Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 12: 23-29.
26. Molina-Montenegro MA & Cavieres LA (2010). altitudinal variation of morpho-physiological traits in two high-andean plant species and its effects against the photoinhibition. Gayana Botánica 67: 1-11.
25. Molina-Montenegro MA, Atala C & Gianoli E (2010). Plasticity and ecotypic differentiation of ecophysiological traits in the invasive Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) under environmental heterogeneity. Biological Invasions 12: 2277-2284.
24. Molina-Montenegro MA & Gianoli E (2010). The I-index, a new estimator of the impact of scientific productivity: ecologists from Chile as study case. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 219-227.
23. Gianoli E & Molina-Montenegro MA. (2009) Insights into the relationship between the h-index and self-citations. Journal of the American Society for Information and Technology 60: 1283-1285.
22. Figueroa JA, Cavieres LA, Gómez-González S, Molina-Montenegro MA & Jacksic FM (2009). Do heat and smoke increase emergence of exotic and native plant in the matorral of central Chile? Acta Oecologica 35: 335-340.
21. Quiroz CL, Choler P, Bapist F, Molina-Montenegro MA, González-Teuber M & Cavieres LA (2009). Alpine dandelion originated in the native and introduced ranges differ in their responses to environmental constraints. Ecological Research 24: 175-183.
20. Farji-Brener AG, Gianoli E & Molina-Montenegro MA (2009). Small-scale disturbances spread along trophic chains: leaf-cutting ant nest, plants, aphids, and tending ants. Ecological Research 24: 139-145.
19. Molina-Montenegro MA, Briones R & Cavieres LA (2009). Does global warming induce segregation among native and alien beetle species in a mountain-top? Ecological Research 24:31-36.
18. Gonzalés WL, Suarez LH, Molina-Montenegro MA & Gianoli E. (2008) Water availability limits tolerance of apical damage in the Chilean tarweed Madia sativa. Acta Oecologica 34: 104-110.
17. Molina-Montenegro MA, Badano EI & Cavieres LA. (2008) Positive interactions among plant species for pollinator service: assessing the “magnet species” concept with invasive species. Oikos 117: 1833-1839.
16. Cavieres LA, Quiroz CL & Molina-Montenegro MA. (2008) Facilitation of the non-native Taraxacum officinale by native nurse cushion species in the high-Andes of central Chile: are there differences between nurses? Functional Ecology 22: 148-156.
15. Cavieres LA, Badano EI, Sierra-Almeida A & Molina-Montenegro MA. (2007) Microclimatic modifications of cushion plants and their consequences for the seedling survival of Hordeum comosum (Poaceae) in the high-Andes of central Chile. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 229-236.
14. Gianoli E, Molina-Montenegro MA & Becerra J. (2007) Interactive Effects of Leaf Damage, Light Intensity and Support Availability on Chemical Defenses and Morphology of a Twining Vine. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 95-103.
13. Cavieres LA, Chacón P, Peñaloza A, Molina-Montenegro MA & Arroyo MTK. (2007) Leaf litter of Kageneckia angustifolia Don (Rosaceae) inhibits seed germination in sclerophyllous montane woodlands of central Chile. Plant Ecology 190: 13-22.
12. Molina-Montenegro MA & Cavieres LA. (2006) Effect of density and flower size on the reproductive success of Nothoscordum graminum (Liliaceae). Gayana Botánica 63: 109-114.
11. Casanova-Katny MA, Bravo LA, Molina-Montenegro MA, Corcuera LJ & Cavieres LA. (2006) Photosynthetic performance of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae) in a high-elevation site of the Andes of central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 79: 41-53.
10. Molina-Montenegro MA, Ávila P, Hurtado R, Valdivia A & Gianoli E. (2006) Leaf trichome density may explain herbivory patterns of Actinote sp. (Lepidoptera: Acraeidae) on Liabum mandonii (Asteraceae) in a montane tropical forest (Nor Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia). Acta Oecologica 30: 147-150.
9. Molina-Montenegro MA, Badano EI & Cavieres LA. (2006) Cushion plants as microclimatic shelters for two lady-bug species in alpine zone of central Chile. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 28: 224-227.
8. Cavieres LA, Badano EI, Sierra-Almeida A, Gómez-Gonzáles S & Molina-Montenegro MA. (2006) Positive interactions between alpine plant species and the nurse cushion plant Laretia acaulis do not increase with elevation in the Andes of central Chile. New Phytologist 169: 59-69.
7. Cavieres LA, Quiroz CL, Molina-Montenegro MA, Muñoz AA & Pauchard A (2005). Nurse effect of the native cushion plant Azorella monantha on the invasive non-native Taraxacum officinale in the high Andes of central Chile. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7: 217-226.
6. Gianoli E & Molina-Montenegro MA (2005). Leaf damage induces twining in a climbing plant. New Phytologist 167: 385-390.
5. Molina-Montenegro MA, Morales B, Fuentes KM, Badano EI, Muñoz AA & Cavieres LA (2005). Positive associations between macroalgal species along a rocky intertidal and its effect on the physiological performance of Ulva lactuca. Marine Ecology Progress Series 292: 173-180.
4. Molina-Montenegro MA, Badano EI, Inostroza P & Cavieres LA (2005). Gas exchange in two high-Andean plant species of central Chile: effect of association with cushion plants. Ecología Austral 15: 49-58.
3. Badano EI, Cavieres LA, Molina-Montenegro MA & Quiroz C (2005). Slopes aspect influences plant association patterns in the Mediterranean matorral of central Chile. Journal of Arid Environment 62: 93-108.
2. Badano EI, Molina-Montenegro MA, Quiroz C. & Cavieres LA. (2002) Efecto de la planta en cojín Oreopolus glacialis (Rubiaceae) sobre la riqueza y diversidad de especies de plantas en una comunidad alto-andina. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 75: 757-766.
1. Cavieres LA, Molina-Montenegro MA, Torres C, Peñaloza A & Arroyo MTK. (2002) Nurse effect of Bolax gummigera (Apiaceae) cushion plants in the alpine vegetation of the Chilean Patagonian Andes. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 547-554.